vineri, 4 aprilie 2014

Shel Silverstein Poem Analysis 10

The Meehoo with an Exactlywatt
By Shel Silverstein
At a first sight, the poem might seem confusing but as we try to discover its deeper meaning, we notice the intricate yet common choice of words and phrases. It looks like an ordinary conversation between two close friends wanting to have fun, but it goes on in the most unexpected and interesting way.
The poet is clearly stating his intention to entertain his readers; he’s witted and amusing and keeps on building up his “joke”.
In the end we suddenly realize that the dialogue goes on in the very same way it started, just like a circle: “Knock knock! (…)
                                         Knock knock...”
The playful and witted tone of the poem makes it recommends itself to those who do “taste” and appreciate a remarkable sample of smart humor.  

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